Accreditation Proposals
When Are Proposals Due?You can turn in a proposal at any time. AAQEP staff match proposals with peer reviewers at three points during the academic year: August 15, November 15, and March 15. You will receive feedback approximately 3 months after the match date. Send proposals (and any questions) to Karen Lowenstein, Director of Member Services. |
AAQEP offers many resources to support you in writing your Accreditation Proposal! Follow the links on this page to register for an event or download a file.
- Free Webinar: Writing the Accreditation Proposal (90 minutes; offered 3x/year)
This members-only webinar gives an overview of the proposal’s contents, review process, and related resources.
- Guidance on Writing an AAQEP Accreditation Proposal (PDF)
This document explains the purpose of a proposal and provides instructions and sample formats for writing each section. It also explains the procedure and timeline for submission, review, and revision.
- Proposal Review Form (PDF)
Download the template used by peer reviewers to give you feedback.
- Staff Completeness Check Form (PDF)
Download the template used by staff to check your proposal for completeness.
Provider Templates
Downloadable templates and instructions are available for two of the elements that need to be included in every proposal: the Program Specification Table and the Aspect-Evidence Tables.
- Program Specification Table (PDF)
This table is an official record of the programs included in the scope of your AAQEP review. It identifies the degrees or programs being accredited by AAQEP, any associated state credentials, enrollment and completer numbers, and other information. Download this Word version to use as your template.
- Aspect-Evidence Tables (PDF)
These tables, which replace the "Aspect-Evidence Index" introduced in the 2021 Guide to AAQEP Accreditation, provide an organizer for your report readers by identifying evidence sources, their alignment to the standards and aspects, and which program(s) they support. Download this Word version to use as your template.
Proposal Samples
AAQEP members often request samples of other programs’ Accreditation Proposals to help guide their own writing. The excerpts below are grouped by proposal section, introduced by a brief summary of that section’s purpose and possible ways to present it (see also the guidelines above). Thanks to the member faculty and programs who have agreed to share these samples!
To help guide your use of these samples, staff have provided brief annotations of elements that may be helpful to notice in each sample. These annotations highlight various strategies used by proposal authors to provide a concise snapshot of their work.
Note that these samples represent options for approaching the Accreditation Proposal and are not intended as templates. Downloads are available only to logged-in AAQEP members.
What’s the point of Section 1?
The introduction identifies the particular programs seeking accreditation and presents a high-level overview of the provider’s context. Although brief (generally two to four pages), it should include important details for reviewers to understand about programs’ design, candidate population, geographic factors, mission or other commitments, and relevant state requirements.
How do authors present this section?
Section 1 may be successfully presented in a variety of ways. Some introductions are pure narrative, while others organize content under separate headings or include graphics, such as organizational charts, to illustrate hierarchies and relationships. Additionally, some authors helpfully include a glossary to introduce reviewers to terms and acronyms associated with their programs and assessments.
Examples (click title to open PDF—must be logged in)
What’s the point of Section 2?
Section 2 describes the evidence sources the author intends to use to explicitly address each aspect of Standards 1 and 2. Reviewers also look for a clear articulation of the alignment of assessments used throughout the program, the aspects they address, and the perspectives they represent (which must include program faculty, P-12 partners, program completers, and completers’ employers, although not all perspectives must be represented for each aspect).
How do authors present this section?
To organize and document these essential components of the evidence set, authors employ a variety of tables. Some proposals organize the evidence by aspect, while others do so by measure. The tables may also show the frequency of a measure’s use over time and denote whether the data source is currently in use or planned, and/or whether it is a direct or indirect measure.
Examples (click title to open PDF—must be logged in)
What's the point of Section 3?
This section describes how the provider is examining each proposed measure from a data-quality standpoint. In particular, it’s essential to document how locally developed measures have been (or will be) evaluated for validity, reliability, trustworthiness, and fairness. For more widely available measures, links to related data-quality studies are also helpful, but more pertinent may be an explanation of how such measures accurately reflect candidate success (e.g., consideration for curriculum alignment, fidelity of implementation). It’s helpful to append instruments to the proposal or include links to sample measures.
How do authors present this section?
This section can benefit from a tabular presentation, or it may list and describe each measure and the stakeholders involved in determining data quality. Some authors opt for narrative explanations of how they have addressed or plan to address a particular data quality concept.
Examples (click title to open PDF—must be logged in)
What’s the point of Section 4?
Section 4 identifies new or emerging features of the programs being reviewed, how the provider plans to monitor these changes, and what markers will be used to guide and evaluate them. Proposal authors should note if the measure used to secure this evidence is not previously discussed in the proposal.
How do authors present this section?
Authors generally use a narrative format to tell this story. To help reviewers understand the program’s rationale for proposed changes, authors identify contextual challenges and describe how they have spurred innovations.
Examples (click title to open PDF—must be logged in)