AAQEP seeks to develop partnerships with other professional organizations that benefit AAQEP members, such as by reducing duplication of work and increasing professional collaboration in areas of mutual interest.
AAQEP members now have the option to pursue national recognition for their school counseling programs through the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) using information submitted in their AAQEP self-study (Quality Assurance Report).
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AAQEP is partnering with the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) to support educator preparation providers in preparing teachers to thrive in digital classrooms of a post-COVID world.
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Myers Education Press is AAQEP's publishing partner. The peer-reviewed "Program Evaluation in Education" series presents book-length works and supplemental content related to programmatic accreditation in educator preparation.
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For more information or to discuss additional partnership opportunities, contact Sungti Hsu.