Annual Reports

To maintain any accreditation status with AAQEP, all accredited providers complete and submit an Annual Report beginning the calendar year following their first AAQEP accreditation decision (see Annual Report Policy). In addition, some states require all providers to file Annual Reports; please consult the relevant cooperation agreement for details.

AAQEP encourages all members to complete the report, both to begin building the record for their program relative to AAQEP’s standards and to inform aggregate reporting by AAQEP on common indicators across the membership.

Questions? Contact Sungti Hsu or your AAQEP liaison.

2024 Annual Report

2024 Annual Reports will be collected from October 1 through December 31 via AAQEP's Accreditation Management Platform (AMP) hosted by Weave

All of the sections and questions will be unchanged from last year, and the report template is the same fillable Word document. Members will upload their completed reports as PDFs and enter key productivity data in the AMP's Annual Update section.

Annual Report FAQ

For detailed information, please see Guidance on Completing the 2024 Annual Report.

A: Although you're encouraged to file one earlier, your first required Annual Report is due the calendar year following your first AAQEP accreditation decision—whether for initial or 7-year accreditation. That due date is listed on your action report and in this list of accredited programs.

A: The fall reporting period is designed to encourage your timely examination of prior-year's data in order to maintain successful practices and plan for improvement.

A: No. Because Part I of the report will be posted publicly, please follow institutional and state practices regarding disaggregation. While AAQEP encourages disaggregation of data in self-study reports, for the Annual Report, it’s better to follow the Title II reporting protocols regarding small ns.

A: Your response to the question regarding completion rates can be disaggregated in whatever way gives the clearest information to readers, including prospective students. The format of the report also allows for brief commentary to help readers understand the context.

A: Yes, at your discretion. It is common for working professionals to seek additional certifications or endorsements, but to wait for a desirable position to become open before using the new credential. You can also explain any rationale for how you “count” employment rates in this indicator of Table 2.

A: A separate review will mean a separate self-study report for those programs, and each QAR or IAR needs its own Annual Report. You only need to report on your already-accredited programs for the time being (and completing a separate report for the not-yet-accredited ones is optional).