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AAQEP Reviewer Interest Session

October 22, 1:00 p.m. EDT

Listen to AAQEP reviewers share their experiences about participating in peer review:


Reviewer Roles

AAQEP welcomes applications for the following roles:

Proposal Reviewers

Responsible for providing feedback on programs’ Accreditation Proposals. After an initial context meeting with the proposal author, reviewers have approximately 2 months to collaborate and complete a review form with written comments. At the provider's discretion, a feedback exchange meeting may then be scheduled.

Quality Review Team (QRT) Members

Responsible for participating in both previsit and site visit components of the quality assurance review. Previsit meetings are held virtually, as are site visits for 5-year initial accreditation; on-site visits for 7-year accreditation generally require 2-3 days of travel. For the previsit review, QRT members read the program’s self-study report and document evidence found in the report. During the site visit, reviewers probe and verify the assertions put forth in the self-study. Following the site visit, reviewers are also responsible for contributing to the Quality Review Team Report.

Quality Review Team (QRT) Leads

Responsible for leading both previsit and site visit components of the quality assurance review. Team leads organize and guide previsit preparation, facilitate the review of the program’s self-study, lead the site visit, and send the QRT Report to AAQEP.

AAQEP Training: How It Works

AAQEP provides online professional learning to prepare volunteer reviewers for their specific role(s). You are eligible to work as a reviewer only after you have successfully completed the required training modules for your role:

Role Required Training Modules
Proposal Reviewer 1A, 1B, 5
QRT - Team Member 1A, 1B, 2, 3
QRT - Team Lead 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4

To get started, please complete a quick online application and upload a resume/CV.


Questions? Contact Christine DeGregory, Director of Professional Learning.

Reviewer FAQs

A: Volunteering as a peer reviewer is an essential quality-assurance activity that benefits the profession. You also benefit personally, not only by building your professional service record but also by gaining a deeper understanding of the AAQEP model and its principles, developing a professional network with peers, and getting a close-up view of educator preparation in a variety of settings.

Active AAQEP reviewers (who have completed their training) are also eligible for a 50% discount on individual AAQEP membership.

A: Professional qualifications that are most relevant include:

  • Teaching experience (P-12 and/or postsecondary) and/or teacher preparation
  • Employment/participation in educator preparation and related activities, such as education leadership, school counseling, assessment, and accreditation
  • Graduate-level research pertaining to the field of education, particularly educator preparation
Please make sure to highlight such experience and expertise in your CV as well as in the reviewer application.


A: No! AAQEP membership is not a requirement; all education professionals are encouraged to apply, and the current AAQEP reviewer pool consists of volunteers from member and nonmember programs. It also includes people who are active site visitors with other accrediting bodies as well as volunteers with no prior experience with accreditation reviews.

A: While completion time depends on the modules required for a particular reviewer role, initial training generally takes between 4 and 7 hours.

A: It depends on the type of role you’ve selected and on the current need for your particular areas of experience and expertise, as requested by the programs being reviewed. AAQEP staff match trained proposal reviewers to assignments approximately once per quarter; Quality Review Team members and leads are appointed once per semester.

A: We offer periodic touch points to help reinforce your training and enhance your readiness to serve. After completing the modules for any AAQEP volunteer role, you will receive a PDF companion guide for ongoing reference. Each semester we will hold a live webinar for reviewers to gear up for the coming semester, which is also open to other interested quality assurance reviewers. You also may request to observe an off-site review meeting or other elements of an accreditation review. Finally, as we currently need more proposal reviewers than other roles, you might consider engaging in that capacity if you have not matched with other reviewer needs.

"The spirit of collaboration and ‘critical friend’ stuck out for me. I felt inspired and more sure than ever that AAQEP was not just an accreditation body, but a space for mutual learning and celebration."

— AAQEP team lead

"Aside from learning about another institution, it was wonderful to connect with other professionals in the field."

— AAQEP team lead

"Personally, I was able to utilize my leadership skills that I do not use in my daily job. It allowed me to reflect on my current role at my institution and reminded me that I am a leader and need to continue seeking out opportunities. I truly felt appreciated and valued."

— AAQEP team lead